SOVIETBORGS by Retro Sumus (Xenocider devs)

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SOVIETBORGS by Retro Sumus (Xenocider devs)

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New preview video by Mike aka Retro Gamer Boy!
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SOVIETBORGS by Retro Sumus (Xenocider devs)

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Sega Lord X talks some recent developments in the retro gaming scene as 2024 comes to a close... including Sovietborgs :twisted: among other amazing looking projects like Kirito and Batman Returns we're so excited about!

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SOVIETBORGS by Retro Sumus (Xenocider devs)

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Time for a little reveal.
The Sovietborgs are coming to Sega Genesis / Mega Drive, Dreamcast, and Neo Geo! :mrgreen:

Also revealing our cover artwork (1 of 2) creation proccess:

🧑‍🎨 Art by Agustín Padilla (Green Arrow, Transformers, Borderlands).
🎵 Music as always by Juanjo Martín (Morat).

Please follow us on X, Facebook or Bluesky for updates. New website coming soon!
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SOVIETBORGS by Retro Sumus (Xenocider devs)

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Sovietborgs demo playthrough by Retro Gamer Boy:

Sovietborgs mentioned in this "30 New Sega Genesis & Mega Drive Games in 2025". It won't be out in 2025 though, I'm afraid :lol: Shadow Gangs Zero (for the MD, Neo Geo and Dreamcast, too) included as well:

"Sovietborgs Is A New Top Down Run 'N' Gunner For Mega Drive / Genesis, Dreamcast, & Neo Geo from the developers of Xenocider": ... nd-neo-geo

Please follow us on X, Facebook or Bluesky for updates. New website coming soon!
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SOVIETBORGS by Retro Sumus (Xenocider devs)

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So, wouldn't it be cool if Sovietborgs featured shmup-like bonus stages? 🚀

Kill all Chernobugs!

Also let's take a look at the walking and attacking animations from the first stage boss:


Please follow us on X, Facebook or Bluesky for updates. New website coming soon!

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SOVIETBORGS by Retro Sumus (Xenocider devs)

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Now, may I have your attention, please. 🤖


⏰ Sovietborgs is coming to Kickstarter Q1 2025.

Besides the regular editions (including blue PAL), we're considering a super limited, KS exclusive one with different artwork, packed with a super limited, KS exclusive PAL reprint of Xenocider (with different artwork too).

Nothing is decided yet but... you know, maybe :)

Please follow us on X, Facebook or Bluesky for updates. New website coming soon!
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SOVIETBORGS by Retro Sumus (Xenocider devs)

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We'll be back shortly...

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SOVIETBORGS by Retro Sumus (Xenocider devs)

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💥 I'm detecting some press freedom here, tovarisch. Maybe I'll need to consult with your commanding officer. 🧐


Thanks to Marc Jowett for featuring Sovietborgs in Pixel Addict Magazine #26!

Our new website is under construction. Please follow us on X, Facebook or Bluesky for updates!
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SOVIETBORGS by Retro Sumus (Xenocider devs)

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What's Sovietborgs all about? Wait, what was Xenocider about again? And what's our whole little team about, by the way? 🤔

Thanks to Debug Magazine for giving us the opportunity to spread our regime's propaganda! 🫡

See you soon on Kickstarter, tovarisch. 🤖



Our new website is under construction. Please follow us on X, Facebook or Bluesky for updates!
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SOVIETBORGS by Retro Sumus (Xenocider devs)

Message par hombreimaginario » is back! New website, new features, all in preparation for the upcoming Kickstarter campaign for Sovietborgs! Speacking of which...

🤖 Part man, part machine, all proletarian, an early demo build of Sovietborgs was playable last weekend at MAGFest. Thanks to Daniel Mastin from VGNY for making it happen!


Coming soon to Kickstarter, comrades. 💥

As always, you can find us on X, Facebook or Bluesky for more updates!
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SOVIETBORGS by Retro Sumus (Xenocider devs)

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Our brave komrades, the Sovietborgs, successfully complete their mission and proceed to the next destination: a place once called Spain, before the nuclear w... that is, before liberation! 💀

- Oh dear, that komrade doesn't look too healthy.
- Consequences of free thinking, no doubt!


As always, you can find us on X, Facebook or Bluesky for more updates!

Also, we remind you that is back which means Xenocider for Dreamcast is available as a digital download from our store again, naturally :)
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Inscription : mar. 6 déc. 2016 00:00
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SOVIETBORGS by Retro Sumus (Xenocider devs)

Message par hombreimaginario »

Just a quick test :D


Sovietborgs for Sega Genesis / Mega Drive, Dreamcast and Neo Geo is coming soon to Kickstarter!

As always, you can find us on X, Facebook or Bluesky for more updates :) Also, we remind you that is back which means Xenocider for Dreamcast is available as a digital download from our store again, naturally.

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